Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kid's Perspective Postvisit

Here is a look at the kid's perspective after our two week trip to Bangalore in March:

What do people wear in Bangalore, India?

Craig (10 years): Girls wear sarees, men wear light shirts with a big collar and pants.

Alanna (11 years): The women wear sarees and salwar kameez and the men wear either dress clothes, light shirts or long shirts and pants.

What was the food like?

C: the food was spicy, hot and good. I ate dosa's, curries and pizza.

A: It was delicious and not as spicy as I thought it would be. I ate naan, chicken curry, dosa's and even a tenderloin and rosemary burger.

How do you feel about going there to live?

C: I think to go live there it would be really hot but the school and the house looked nice. The house was big with two balconies with lots of colorful flowers. The school was big and is split up into different buildings.
A: I'm fine except I'll miss everybody and I don't want to go to that school.

Are you worried about anything?
C: The only things I am worried about are missing everybody and getting sick in India.
A: Yes, I have to go to that school. I'm worried about mosquitos and getting malaria.

What are you looking forward too?
I am looking forward to our new school because it was my favorite out of all the ones we looked at. And I think I am really going to like my new house. I'll be looking forward to making lots of friends.

A: The heat and cheaper prices for everything.

What do you think about your new school?
C: My new school is the best out of the three that we looked at. My favorite parts about the school is that it looks pretty. It has a nice variety of colorful flowers. The teachers are good. And it has so many sports.

A: I don't want to go to it. I've heard that it gives you a lot of homework and there are too many kids at that school. There's about 800 kids, K - Gr 12. I don't like the big buildings. I only like the gardens, because they have nice smelling flowers.

What does Bangalore look like?

C: Bangalore looks good and bad. The good part is all the nature and the hotels look nice when you drive past them. The negative looks are that it is a littered city, there's garbage that is not in garbage cans. And some houses and peoples clothes don't look nice - because they are poor.

A: It's very green and leafy and has lots of bad traffic.

What was your favorite part of the trip?

C: Shopping (at the Central Cottage where I got a wooden elephant and a wooden Hanomen. Hanomen is the monkey God.) I also enjoyed watching National Geographic.

A: The heat and the beautiful flowers.

What was you least favorite part of the trip?

C: My least favorite part of the trip was the heat.
A: The taxi and autorickshaw drivers when they kept following us around.

Is there anything that you really want to experience or see while you are in India?

C: I want to see the Taj Mahal because it's going to look so cool.
A: I want to see the Taj Mahal. I want to talk to Indian people especially young girls.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet A's thinking about the cheaper prices! Your kids sound adorable. :)


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